Office (763) 878-2600 | Maintenance (763) 878-0141
Office (763) 878-2600 | Maintenance (763) 878-0141
The Silver Creek Township recycling program is paid for by the Township. The Township gets some reimbursement from the County for every pound of material recycled. The more everyone can recycle, the less we all have to pay. For information on how you can start to recycle, please call the Township office. West Central Sanitation of Willmar is the recycling vendor for the Township.
West Central will pickup every other Thursday. Holidays and bad weather will delay the regular pickup schedule by one business day. Please have your recyclables out the night before. If you should miss pickup, please notify the Township office, who will notify West Central. If you do not have a West Central recycling cart, contact the Township office. Residents must use these containers rather than other kinds to identify recycling from garbage containers.
Please see the 2023 Recycling schedule for the dates of pickup and items that are recyclable
West Central also offers Garbage services for Silver Creek Twp Residents. This lessens the garbage truck traffic on our roads if everyone would consider West Central (our recycling service provider) as their garbage service also.