Snowplowing and snow removal is usually done after a storm has ended. During extended periods of snow, exceptions are made. Township maintenance staff work around the clock to assure the roads are clean, sanded, and open for safe travel. The Township uses three plow units to facilitate the snow removal.
See the Snow Removal Policy at the bottom of this page.
Grading of roads is usually done after a soaking rain. Township maintenance staff takes great pride in grading and compacting the roads to assure a smooth, safe surface. The Township spreads 28,000 yards of new gravel each year on the roads that need attention to maintain a smooth surface.
The Township performs many other maintenance duties throughout the year. The weeds on the shoulders are mowed, culverts are maintained or replaced, ditches are cleaned for proper drainage and the removal of illegal dumping. The brush is kept to a minimum by mowing it. Road projects are overseen by Township maintenance staff to assure the outside contractors complete their jobs to Township standards.
The Township will be using chloride designated by the Board to cut down on gravel loss, dust, and washboarding. Those residents who do not have your road designated for chloride, and would be willing to pay for it, can do so.
The safety and convenience of the traveling public is a main concern of Silver creek Township. The goal of the Township is to have all roads passable within a reasonable amount of time after a snowfall has stopped.
The Township does not assure a completely bare road and will not sand entire sections of roadway. Users of the highway system are reminded to exercise caution and drive with care. Please remember that the legal speed limit may not be possible at all times.
It is against the law for private snowplows to move snow across or deposit snow on public roads. The placing of snow and ice would be considered a problem if it were deemed a safety hazard on the traveled right of way, and could cause property damage and/or visibility problems. If the Township must remove snow placed on roads, it will assess the cost to the property owner and the liability can extend to both the property owner and the person who actually placed the snow onto the roadway. This is in accordance with State of Minnesota statutes MN160.27 Sub. 5 and MN 169.42.
In the event of an emergency road or maintenance issue, please call one of the board members.
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